Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuesday October 12th, 2012
Outcomes - ASWBAT:

*Describe growth and write an equation for geometric sequences.
*Use an area model to multiply expressions.

1. Do Now  15 minutes
2. CFU Geometric Sequences 10 minutes
3.  Are they equivalent? Hook  15 minutes
4.  Multiplying Polynomials 25 minutes

HW #12:  2-122, 2-125, 2-135, 2-138, 2-140
Due Friday
+Bring a book on Tuesday.
+And cover your textbook.

Friday October 19th, 2012
Outcomes - ASWBAT:
*Use an area model to multiply expressions.

1. SSR  30 minutes
2. Grade HW 15 minutes
3.  Multiplying Polynomials 25 minutes

Review multiplying polynomials – quiz on Wednesday/Thursday
+bring a book again on Tuesday
+And cover your textbook.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Videos to Help you cover your textbook! (HW)

Week of October 10th, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday October 10th & 11th, 2012
Outcomes - ASWBAT:
*Practice writing equations for an arithmetic and geometric sequence.
*Analyze arithmetic and geometric sequences and answer questions about them.

1. Do Now  15 minutes
2. More Sequence Practice 45 minutes
3. Share out 10 minutes
4.  CFU 10 minutes
5. Grade HW 20 minutes

HW #11 Due Tuesday
And cover your textbook

Friday October 12th, 2012
Outcomes - ASWBAT:
*Proficiently analyze and write equations for arithmetic and geometric sequences.

1. Do Now  10 minutes
2. Grade HW 20 minutes
3. Even more Sequence Practice 30 minutes
4.  Finish "More Sequence Practice" 10 minutes

HW #11 Due Tuesday
And cover your textbook

Week of October 1st, 2012

Tuesday October 2nd, 2012
Outcomes - ASWBAT:

*Express their baseline knowledge of various algebra concepts on their diagnostic exam.

1. Do Now 15 minutes
2. Diagnostic Exam  45 minutes
3. Textbook

HW #9 Due Friday
Textbook agreement forms due Tuesday + Paper bags (to cover your textbook).

Wednesday and Thursday October 3rd & 4th, 2012
Outcomes - ASWBAT:

*Identify if a sequence is arithmetic, geometric or neither.
*Write an equation for an arithmetic and geometric sequence.

1. Do Now  15 minutes
2. Finish Diagnostic Exam 20 minutes
3. Hand back Quizzes 10 minutes
4. Notes on Arithmetic vs. Geometric Sequences 20 minutes
5. How do arithmetic sequences work? 20 minutes

HW #9 Due Friday
Quiz Reflection due Friday

Friday October 5th, 2012
Outcomes - ASWBAT:

*Identify if a sequence is arithmetic, geometric or neither.
*Write an equation for an arithmetic and geometric sequence.


1. Do Now  10 minutes
2. Collect HW 3 minutes
3. Student work time  55 minutes
a. How do arithmetic sequences work?
b. How can I use multiplier?
4. Start HW

HW #10 Due Tuesday
And cover your textbook