Algebra II Syllabus 2012-2013

Course Description:
Algebra 2 Connections, the third course in the College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM), curriculum focuses students on creating multiple representations (tables, graphs, contexts, and rules/equations) of functions and relations and on finding connections among the ideas they are studying.  Students will use problem solving strategies, questioning, investigating and explaining in conjunction with their previous knowledge to analyze problems and formulate solutions for linear and non-linear functions, and their inverses. This course will move at a college-prep pace and it is imperative that students keep up with all class work and homework assignments in order to be successful.

College Preparatory Math Algebra 2 Connections, edited by Judy Kysh and Evra Baldinger
*Students will receive homework from this textbook.

Course Outline:
Unit 1a:  Why do we study math?

Unit 1: Investigations and Functions
Essential Question (EQ): What is a function and how are they represented?  How do I investigate functions?
Content: Graphing calculator skills, effective group work, functions notation.

Unit 2: Sequences and Equivalence
EQ: What is a sequence and how does it relate to a function?
Content: Generalizing arithmetic and geometric sequences.

Unit 3: Exponential Functions
EQ:  What is exponential growth and decay? What types of real-world situations show exponential growth and decay?
Content: Representing exponential growth and decay algebraically. Applications of exponential growth and exponential decay. 

Unit 4: Quadratic Functions
EQ:  What effect do coefficients have on the graphs of quadratic functions?  How does the solution to a quadratic equation relate to a quadratic function?
Content: Dilation, translation and reflection of non-linear parent functions; focusing on quadratic functions.  Solving quadratic equations.  Addition, subtraction, and multiplication of rational expressions.

Unit 5: Complex Numbers and Polynomials
EQ:  What is an imaginary number?  How are they related to quadratic functions?  How are operations with algebraic fractions performed?
Content: Introduction to imaginary numbers and complex roots.  Division of rational expressions.

Unit 6: Inverses and Logarithms
EQ:  What is an inverse function?  How are the graphs and equations of inverses related?  What is a logarithm?
Content: Relationship between a function and its inverse, properties of logarithm functions, transformations of logarithms.

Unit 7: Probability and Counting
EQ:  How can probability be used to make predictions?
Content: Fundamental Counting Principle, permutations, combinations, calculating probability.

Unit 8:  Envision School Graduation Portfolio Project
Students will demonstrate their Algebra II understandings in an Envision Schools Graduation Portfolio project.

For every unit, students will take an individual end of unit test.  Students will also have weekly or biweekly Concept quizzes that are in direct aligned with the CA State Standards.  Students may retake a Concept quiz as many times as desired to get a higher grade within each quarter.  Students will be assigned homework twice a week, which will be collected and graded.

In the Spring students will choose from a selection of Envision Schools Graduation Portfolio (ESGP) Projects options, on a variety of topics that we have studied throughout the year.  Students may use their ESGP project as their Inquiry Artifact in their Graduation Portfolio.

* Application of Knowledge (45%):
            o Notebook checks – select classwork assignments and Do Nows.
            o Student presentations, Effective and Persuasive Communication.
            o Student participation in class discussions, Effective and Persuasive Communication.
            o Group work assignments, Productive Collaboration.
            o Individual student reflections.  Metacognition.
            o Some homework assignments.
            o Graduation Portfolio Project (fourth quarter).

* Mastery of Knowledge (40%):
o Concept quizzes will be given on a weekly or biweekly and basis on the CA State Standards.  Students may retake a Concept quiz as many times as desired to get a higher grade, during office hours or quiz time.
            o End of Unit individual tests.
            o Periodic group quizzes.
            o Graduation Portfolio Project (fourth quarter).

* College Work Habits (15%):
o Homework will be assigned twice a week and due on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Alignment with CA State Content Standards
By the end of the year, students should master the following content:
·   Interpret and graph functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic) (Algebra II 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 12.0)
·   Solve equations (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic) and inequalities (linear, quadratic) (Alg. II 1.0, 2.0, 8.0)
·   Arithmetic and geometric sequences (Alg. II 22.0, 23.0)
·   Operations on polynomials (Alg. II 3.0, 4.0, 8.0)
·   Imaginary/Complex Numbers (Alg. II 5.0, 6.0)
·   Definition and properties of Logarithms (Alg. II 11.0, 13.0, 14.0)
·   Operation with rational expressions (Alg. II 7.0, 15.0)
·   Fundamental Counting Principle (Alg. II 18.0)
·   Probability, Combinations and Permutations (Alg. 19.0, 20.0)

Materials needed:
*Binder with at least 300 pages of loose-leaf paper and 4 dividers (for Classwork, Do Nows, Homework, and Miscellaneous).  You may use a Spiral Notebook with at least 250 pages of paper, if you prefer.
*Calculator: TI-84 or TI-83 Graphing Calculator (recommended) or Scientific calculator (minimum).  Students are expected to bring a calculator to and from school everyday!
*Graph paper - for classwork and homework.
*Pencils AND Pens

Late work will not be accepted.  If a student is absent they may submit the work that was due when they were absent the day they return or the following day.  If there are extenuating circumstances for the absence the student should speak to me immediately, in person or via email.

Bathroom Passes:
Upper Division students will only be permitted to use the bathroom during class 8 times per semester.  Students will only be allowed to go to the bathroom if they have their planner with one of their 8 bathroom passes available.  UD Students are advised to take care of the bathroom needs during breaks or during lunch.

Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared.  During class students are expected to be on task and in their assigned seat while respecting the classroom learning community.  Students need to be responsible for themselves.  When these expectations are not met the following consequences will occur.
Step 1:  Teacher Intervention (Proximity, Mini-conversation, Redirection, Step Outside, etc.)
Step 2:  Documented Warning
Step 3:  Detention after school
Step 4:  Behavior Referral

Students are expected to come to class fully prepared; to put in 100% effort everyday; to behave appropriately and uphold our Community Agreements (especially regarding behavior appropriate to an 11th grade, college-prep classroom); and to ask for help [inside or outside of class] when they begin to feel confused.

Office Hours:
Thursday after school from 3:30-4:30.  I highly urge students to utilize my office hours as this course will move at a college-prep pace and the content will be challenging.

Ms. Becht’s Blog:
I will post the daily objectives, homework assignments, and important dates for the class on this website such that students and families can check the assignments from home.  I will also post the table of contents for the Algebra II binder and links to helpful math websites related to the concepts we are studying.

Contact Information:
Kristina Becht

Students: Please email me or talk to me in person if you have a question about an assignment, before it is due.

Parents: Please email me or call me at Impact Academy’s main number: (510) 300-1560 with any questions.