Friday, September 30, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday September 28th and 29th, 2011


*Pass tomorrow’s quiz on multiplying polynomials.
*have notes and a pretest to study for next week’s Chapter 1 & 2 Test.


1. Do Now
2. Quiz Review
3. Finish Domain & Range Practice
4. What’s on the Chapter 1 & 2 Test?
5. Chapter 1 & 2 Pretest

HW #12 (Test Review - AK):

CL 1-120, CL 1-121, CL 1-122a, CL 1-124, CL 1-125,
CL 2-157, CL 2-158, CL 2-159, CL 2-160a, CL 2-161a,b,c,e, CL 2-162, CL 2-163
 Due Monday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday September 27th, 2011

*proficiently use the area model to multiply expressions.
*practice determining the domain and range of a function when given its equation or graph.

1. Do Now
2.  More Multiplying Polynomials
3. Hand back work
4. Domain & Range Review
5.  Exit Ticket

HW #11:
2-96, 2-122a, 2-125, 2-126, 2-135 a -> d, 2-138, 2-140
Due Wednesday/ Thursday

Monday September 26th, 2011

*Identify equivalent expressions and develop algebraic strategies for demonstrating equivalence.
*Use an area model to multiply expressions.


1.  Do Now
2. Are they equivalent?
3.  Multiplying Polynomial Practice
4.  Share Out
5.  Hand back quizzes & HW

HW #11:
2-96, 2-122a, 2-125, 2-126, 2-135 a -> d, 2-138, 2-140
Due Wednesday/ Thursday

Friday September 2nd, 2011

*Solve absolute value equations, such as 4 | n + 8 | = 56.

*Graph absolute value functions.

1. Do Now
2.  Practice Solving Absolute Value Equations
3.  Graphing Absolute Value Equation

HW #10:
2-98, 2-99, 2-104, 2-105, 2-111, 2-106, 2-116,
Due Monday

Wednesday and Thursday September 21st and 22nd, 2011

*Express their knowledge of solving systems of linear equations on the quiz.
*Write equations for arithmetic and geometric sequences that don’t begin with the initial value.

1. Do Now
2. Quiz
3.  Independent Work Time
5.  What’s the equation? – Group Challenge
6.  Share Out
7. What’s the Rule? 2.1.8

HW #10:

2-98, 2-99, 2-104, 2-105, 2-111, 2-106, 2-116,
Due Monday

Tuesday September 20th, 2011


*Pass tomorrow’s quiz on solving systems of equations.
*Write equations to represent arithmetic and geometric sequences.

1.  Do Now

2.  Quiz Review
3.  Share out
4.  Work Time
5.  Exit Ticket

HW #9:
2-74, 2-75, 2-77, 2-86, 2-87, 2-89, 2-91
+Signed progress Reports
Due Wednesday/ Thursday + cover textbook

Upcoming Quiz - Solving Systems of Equations on Wednesday/Thursday (see helpful math links page)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday September 19th, 2011

*Use geometric sequences to solve problems involving percent increase and decrease.
*Identify multipliers to classify sequences as geometric and write equations for those sequences.

1.  Do Now
2. “How can I use a multiplier?”
3.  Hand back work
4.  Exit Ticket

HW #9:
2-74, 2-75, 2-77, 2-86, 2-87, 2-89, 2-91
+Signed progress Reports
Due Wednesday/ Thursday + cover textbook

Upcoming Quiz - Solving Systems of Equations on Wednesday/Thursday (see helpful math links page)

Friday September 16th, 2011

*learn the vocabulary and notation for arithmetic and geometric sequences.
*Write an equation for an arithmetic and geometric sequence.

1. Do Now
2. Notes on Arithmetic vs. Geometric Sequences
3. How do arithmetic sequences work? 2.1.5
4. Hand back homework

HW #8:
due Monday

Wednesday and Thursday September 14th and 15th, 2011


*Solve systems of equations proficiently using either substitution or elimination.

*Express sequences in the form of a table and a graph.

1. Do Now
2. Hand back Quizzes
3. Practice Solving Systems of Equations
4. Group Challenge
5. How can I describe a sequence?
6. Share Out
7. Cover Textbooks

HW #8:
Due Monday

Tuesday September 13th, 2011


*Express their knowledge of linear functions on today’s quiz.
*Solve a system of equations algebraically by both substitution and elimination.

1. Do Now
2. Quiz
3. Solving Systems of Equations Part 2 Notes
4. Independent Practice
5. Exit Ticket

HW #7:

Due Wednesday/ Thursday

& Text book Release forms & Paper Bags Due Wednesday/ Thursday

Monday September 12th, 2011


*Review Linear Functions such that they will be able to pass tomorrow’s quiz.
*Solve a system of equations algebraically using the substitution method.


1.  Do Now
2. Quiz Review
3.  Share out
3. Solving Systems of Equations Notes
4.  Exit Ticket

HW #7:

Due Wednesday/ Thursday + Study for Tomorrow's Quiz!

& Text book Release forms & Paper Bags Due Wednesday/ Thursday